Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gives Me Hope.

     Over this past Summer, I have discovered a group of websites all belonging to the Spartz Network.  These sites include LoveGivesMeHope, OMG Facts, SixBillionSecrets, KidsGiveMeHope, and GivesMeHope.  On these sites, anyone can submit an entry.  On LGMH, you submit short stories that give you hope about love.  OMGFacts is just random facts that most people wouldn't believe and is sorta just for fun.  6BS is where people usually tell things they can't tell anyone else because they're afraid of judgement, reactions, or they don't have anyone that will listen to them.  KGMH is short stories about cute little kids that make people have hope in the world.  GMH, the first of the sites, is pretty self-explainable. 
     GivesMeHope was created in May 2009 in response to the site FMyLife, which is short stories sent in by people explaining why their day or life sucks.  GMH is pretty much the optimistic version of FML.  The Spartz Network team said they created this site because they were "completely exhausted by the negativity of the mainstream media.  We're tired of hearing about what's wrong in this world."  Also that the site is " where people share with the world their most hopeful, uplifting moments and allow others to draw strength from their experiences.  Because with all of the hurt and suffering in the world, who couldn't use a few more reasons to hope each day ?"
     I think these sites are great, they really make you think about things and realize things about people in the world.  The stories people tell on these sites can change your view of certain things in the world.
     My personal favorite out of these sites is SixBillionSecrets.  It's a place where people can express themselves, their true feelings and thoughts, and not be judged.  You're able to get things off your chest and have the feeling that someone actually listened to you.  Even if you don't know who's reading your story or if it doesn't get publish at first, you still feel like someone out there listened to you and they understood how you're feeling.  Most of the posts have a lot of emotions behind them and will probably affect you in some way.  It amazes me that some people can be so unaware of things around them and think major issues are just jokes.  For example, one entry - "When I told you I will go and see a psychologist, you asked me if I were that wrong in the head and joked about me being suicidal. You were right. Our times as best friends are definitely over.
And that makes me break down even more every day."  Sadly, a lot of posts are like that, depressing and about people misunderstanding each other and not realizing.
     I would like for a lot more people to be aware of these sites.  Hopefully it would make them notice things about the people around them.  Maybe they'll see that those people need help and that they should try to help.  Most likely if someone seems troubled to you, they probably are.  Trust your instincts.  Even if you don't think you'd be any help to them or have no clue what to say or do, just listen to them.  Sometimes all people need is someone to listen to them, someone that understands them, someone that won't judge, someone that makes them not feel like they're alone in this world.

 - Today, give a stranger one of your smiles.  It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. - H. Jackson Brown


- I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Goals ?

Some goals I'd like to do and achieve sometime in my life are :

- find all the people that complete me
- travel
- experience more new things
- find something that most people won't be able to beat me at
- follow a band around on their whole tour
- spend a day with a celebrity of my choice
- find someone that I'd consider my hero

Friday, September 3, 2010

Doll Face !

    My first thoughts on the video "Doll Face" were that it was just weird and creepy. But at the end of it, I understood it more. I think the video is showing how people look up to things they see on television and such, seeing as everyone likes it, and tries to be just like what they see. All to be liked by the world. But soon they see that it's just an act, and quite a tough act to follow at that. It's just too much for them to handle, at some point they fall apart.
    The video shows how people change every time they see something new. Towards the end, when the Doll Face is reaching for the television, that's showing how far people will go to be something they're not. But soon enough, whatever they're going for is too far out of reach. They don't meet up to the world's expectations and end up destroying themselves.
    I also think this video means that people just try to be something or someone that they're not. They think everyone else will like them if they pretend to be something they may think is cool. But truth is, if you do pretend to be something you're not, then people will figure that out after a while, they'll see through you. And they will use everything they can against you, just to destroy you. After all that, you'll have nothing left, and just fall apart.
     It's a very depressing thing if you think about it. That some people in the world can't accept each other for who they are. Just because society has somehow set expectations for what people should be like and what they think is right in life.
     I suggest that people need to look into this video more. They need to realize to just be themselves, it's a lot easier that way. Sure, some people may not like the true you, but hey, those people are probably the ones that shouldn't matter to you. The people that truly matter to you, and care for you, are the ones that accept you for who you really are. And if those who matter, don't accept you, then I think they need to learn how to. They need to realize that everyone is different, that's how the world is supposed to be.
     Just remember, the things you might have been told growing up or heard somewhere, might not be right. You need to think for yourself. Only you can decide what you think is right in life. If you never learn to accept some things, don't expect yourself to get far.

- I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.