Tuesday, April 26, 2011


     Tarzan is absolutely my favorite Disney film by far.  Actually, I'd like to go ahead and say it's my favorite film, period.  As a child, I'm not quite sure what drew me to liking this movie.  I'm guessing it was the fact that Gorillas raised a human baby to turn out similar to them.  Being raised in a jungle, to be as wild as you want, and having animals as friends seems pretty great when you're a kid, and to me, it still sounds pretty nice.
     What attracts me now to this film is part of what Tarzan goes through.  As children, the gorillas clearly see that Tarzan is different from them.  In order for him to hang out with them, they make him do a bet.  This bet causes a bunch of elephants to stampede through where the gorillas live, almost killing some of them.  This causes Kerchak, leader of the band, to continue to disrespect Tarzan for not being one of them.  Tarzan then runs off to the river.  He stares at his reflection for a while before hitting it, which causes mud to splash on him, making him look more like the gorillas.  Kala, his gorilla mom, finds him and tells him that they're not so different from each other. She tells him to close his eyes and forget what he sees, focus on what he feels.  He feels his heartbeat, and then he feels Kala's heartbeat.  "See ? They're exactly the same.  Kerchak just can't see that." - Kala.
     Towards the end of the movie, as Kerchak is dying from the gun shots, he tells Tarzan that he's sorry for not understand that he's always been one of them.  Kerchak also passed down leadership to Tarzan and accepts him as his son.
     It shows just how much people judge based on looks.  It can take a lot for some people to accept.

- I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.