Sunday, September 19, 2010

Goals ?

Some goals I'd like to do and achieve sometime in my life are :

- find all the people that complete me
- travel
- experience more new things
- find something that most people won't be able to beat me at
- follow a band around on their whole tour
- spend a day with a celebrity of my choice
- find someone that I'd consider my hero

     I believe everything and everyone has certain things that complete them. For examples, a television - it needs all the wires inside it to work, a plug in to give electricity to the wires, and a remote or buttons to turn it on.  A shirt is just one piece to a whole outfit.  Every shoe and sock has it's match. We are all just little pieces of a whole.  
    A few places I want to travel to are Colorado, Washington, Jamaica, and Japan.  I've always wanted to go snowboarding and Colorado just seems like the perfect place for  it.  Spokane, Washington is where Bobby Wilkins lives, which, if you've read my previous post involving him, then you would know that he is very inspirational to me. I would love to meet him and possibly watch how he does a photo shoot.  The culture and music is the reason behind wanting to visit Jamaica.  There are many reasons for Japan.  It's beautifully lit up bridges, amazing Pokemon stores, cars, and planes, and of course, it's Asians ! :D
     Pretty much the new things I've yet to experience are the ones that are on this list.  Plus the little simple things I've yet to do like motocross, hot-air balloon, skydiving, and traveling out of country.  Those are a few things I'd like to try out in life. 
     Probably one of the top things I want the most would have to be finding something that most people won't be able to beat me at.  Or maybe more like, find something that I'm good at and enjoy doing so much that I won't mind if people are better than me at it, I'll just be fine with whatever my outcome is as long as I like it.  Just something that people won't feel the need to do better than me at.   For example, if I enjoy baking and decorating cakes and such, then you decide to make a cake the next day and show off your oh so amazing cake baking skills, pshh. Something that really gets on my nerves is when people try to make everything a competition. Like everything in life is suppose to be a battle and they must always win to survive. When truth is, it's just fun and something to enjoy in life.  Everyone has different hobbies, if you happen to have some of the same interests and hobbies, then that's probably good.  But don't try to be better than them at anything and everything or even show off. That's just annoying and makes people want to punch you.
      Following a band around on one of their tours...I feel like that would be a very interesting experience.  Not many fans see what the band goes through just to preform for them.  Same with celebrities, not many of us see past the paparazzi, magazines, and news we hear about them enough to see them as a real person and not just some icon here for our entertainment.
     Someone I'd consider as my hero would have to be someone that's very inspiring, are usually kind just out of the goodness of their heart, who helps others out or tries their best to at least, not matter what, someone who really makes the best out of life.  When I find someone that even slightly fits these equalities, I'll be sure to tell them.

-  I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.