Sunday, August 29, 2010


A photo of Benjamin Jorgens by Bobby Wilkins.
The Heart symbolizes who we want ourselves to be. The animal symbolizes who we really are. The two are in a constant battle within us. We don't see because of the cords that cloud our vision. The cords symbolize ignorance. The cords symbolize whatever is keeping you, from being the you, you were meant to be. Break free from your cords and see. Clarity.
- Bobby Wilkins

     Photography comes in many different ways. It can be landscape, nature, still life, street, vernacular, etc. It can also be different things and mean different things to people. To me, Photography is a different way of seeing the world, a new reality, inspiration.
     My favorite upcoming Photographer is Bobby Wilkins. Turning 21 just today, Bobby is incredibly inspiring to me. He's a fashion photographer and has taught himself everything he knows about Photography. I have been following his photography for about two years now. What I find fascinating about Wilkins' art is that it's different from most, he creates his own reality. He is currently working on a photography book of inspirational life stories he title's DREAMLAND. He has taken inspiration from each story people have given him and created a photo shoot out of them. Wilkins' goal with creating this book is to, "show the world that we're all human, we all have faults, we all feel pain, we all feel love, we all have a voice. Now's your chance to speak!"
     I think many people should check out his book once it's out. I feel like it could be very inspirational and they could possibly benefit from it. Inspirational life stories could definitely change a person's view of the world. Knowing that you can relate to someone out there in the world by whatever story they told can really help. You are not alone in this world. More people need to realize that.

- I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

1 comment:

  1. I come from a family of photographers. I am not an art photographer; I just love to make interesting photos. You might find my brother Bob's website interesting. Go to
