Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Marlboro Marine

     This video shows us what people in the war going on now actually go through during and after their service time.  I don't quite understand why this war is still going on.  No one's gained anything from it.  In fact, we've lost tons of people and so have the other countries.  It's also caused alot of damage and stress to people that have fought in it.  Some may die and some may not get physically damaged at all, but come back mentally wounded. That just causes more problems in peoples' lives.  Problems are part of being human, but if some problems are preventable why wouldn't you try all you can to stop them from happening ?
     I always hear about the lost of American soldiers, all the memorials dedicated to them, the heroes that they are, and peoples' view on what they do in the war.  Yet I've never heard any view or stories from the other side of the war, the other countries who we're fighting against.  I never hear anything about them besides them killing our soldiers, as if they're all bad people.  I'm sure they have problems due to the war and don't want to be fighting either. 
     James Blake Miller was dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder when he came back home.  That's just one thing war can do to people.  A way I think James dealt with this was by smoking since he had a cigarette in almost every photo.  He's thought about committing suicide multiple times and has come very close to going through with it.  If he had actually decided to go through with it then that would of affected his family and friends. 
     It seems to me that most people now go into war just to get money for college and such.  Some don't really know what they signed themselves up for and aren't guaranteed on surviving.  I think people shouldn't do something they don't want to just to get money, fame, or because someone told them to.  Such as your career or life choices.  Take what other's say in consideration, but it's truly all up to you.
    I think it's wrong that Marlboro Cigarette Company are using someone like James, a hero to many people, to be an icon for smoking.  Kids and people look up to Marines and people like James and now they'll be influenced to do something that will kill them sooner, just so they can try to be like James.

- I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

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