Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sophomore year, eh ?

     Honestly, this school year pretty much sucked.  I thought freshman year was going to be turrible, but it was beyond better than this year, for me at least. There were no really great teachers like last year, with the exception of having Chambliss as a teacher again, and having James.  I had my Spanish class switched over to Chambliss because of how much I enjoyed her class last year.  I also had my study hall switched over to James for second semester because of the same reason with Health.
    It took me a while to get over summer.  Since this school year, I've gotten closer to a lot of people, but I've also drifted away from a few close ones :/
     But enough of that ! Here are some highlights from my year:

  • Drew P:
  • attempting to ice skate with Steven, Penya, and Kyle
  • Purposing to my Chance(Lauren) :D <3 
  • last day of exams - pretty fun 
  • Xbox Live with Steven, Penya, and Kyle
  • movies with those guys along with Lauren and Brad
  • Spanish and History class, sometimes, with those guys ^
  • Study Hall with Kenny and Brittany, playing UNO :D
  • Surprise Birthday party ! - Thankyas guys !
  • Kyle becoming a big girl :)

     Pretty lame, right ? P: not much has actually happened in school for me, but outside of school life is changing and it's different.  I can say that I'm not liking the way most things seem to be going at this point.  But oh well, gotta wait and see how it plays out I guess.  

Kyle's a big girl now ! :D

   Recently, Kyle has earned the title of being a big girl.  He earned this by finally being the bigger "man" and apologizing to Lauren.  I'm so proud of him ! :'D
    I consider Kyle a girl, since he is always acting, whining, and teasing like one.  He's more of a girl than I am !  Here are some quotes Kyle says daily, along with some facts that go along with this:
  • "Oh my god, I'm SOOOOOO hungry !"
  • "It's because I'm fat !"
  • "My stomach hurts !"
  • "It's too hot in here" (as he's wearing a giant hoodie)
  • "It's cold" (as he's carrying his giant hoodie) P:
  • "Stop stepping on my shoes !" (whiny voice)
  • He flashes his abs sometimes, but never shows you when you ask. Tease P:
  • He has pictures of guys, such as Lil' Wayne, as his iPod background. (They're shirtless too o:)
  • He reads Gossip Girl
  • He goes tanning a lot and talks about it often

    Now here's a list of things Kyle's accomplished:

     - being the blackest white guy
     - take an aerial shot of the Grand Canyon
     - dunk at 9.5 ft
     - jump higher than Jon
     - get a tan (or burn)
     - grow a partial mustache
     - getting abs
     - As his mommy says, "I am so proud of my son Kyle Nelson, he is one of the top 15 in his class for the 2nd year in a row! Great job Kyle, I love you!"

Kyle ! Be able to do this and I'll love you forever.


- I wanna be the very best, that no one ever was.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


     For this post, I decided I'd just post some pictures that I enjoy and explain my reasoning behind liking each of them.  Lately I've been hooked on Tumblr and have started following some photography blogs.  They're pretty interesting and inspirational to me.

     This picture has recently become one of my favorites.  What comes to mind when I see this photo is innocence and beauty.  The butterflies are the beauty and the emotion the girl is giving off with her facial expression seems like innocence to me.

     This was one of the first photos I came across on Tumblr.  It's very comforting to me for some reason.  She just looks so cozy and I love the tone of it.  


I love the creativity of this ! It reminds me of the book/movie, Where the Wild Things Are, which is also one of my favorites.  

I'm aware that her dress is down and her underwear is showing, but that's part of the reason why I love this photo (not to sound creepy).  It's so carefree; they're so carefree.  I would love to reenact this photo !  

Some may find this inappropriate ? But oh well, this is quite relaxing to me.  

In even the dimmest lights, you make the whole world shine.

Completely safe.

This makes me want to be five years old again.   

Not quite sure how to explain this one.  I guess I imagine this being the place where the girl in the photo goes to to escape.  

These two pictures I find comfort in.  As you can tell, I enjoy pictures involving beds (sounds odd).

This is a bit different, since they play with words in it.  It amazes me still and I find it hard to believe anyone could see anything in me, so this explains that a bit.

- I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


     Tarzan is absolutely my favorite Disney film by far.  Actually, I'd like to go ahead and say it's my favorite film, period.  As a child, I'm not quite sure what drew me to liking this movie.  I'm guessing it was the fact that Gorillas raised a human baby to turn out similar to them.  Being raised in a jungle, to be as wild as you want, and having animals as friends seems pretty great when you're a kid, and to me, it still sounds pretty nice.
     What attracts me now to this film is part of what Tarzan goes through.  As children, the gorillas clearly see that Tarzan is different from them.  In order for him to hang out with them, they make him do a bet.  This bet causes a bunch of elephants to stampede through where the gorillas live, almost killing some of them.  This causes Kerchak, leader of the band, to continue to disrespect Tarzan for not being one of them.  Tarzan then runs off to the river.  He stares at his reflection for a while before hitting it, which causes mud to splash on him, making him look more like the gorillas.  Kala, his gorilla mom, finds him and tells him that they're not so different from each other. She tells him to close his eyes and forget what he sees, focus on what he feels.  He feels his heartbeat, and then he feels Kala's heartbeat.  "See ? They're exactly the same.  Kerchak just can't see that." - Kala.
     Towards the end of the movie, as Kerchak is dying from the gun shots, he tells Tarzan that he's sorry for not understand that he's always been one of them.  Kerchak also passed down leadership to Tarzan and accepts him as his son.
     It shows just how much people judge based on looks.  It can take a lot for some people to accept.

- I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

You may think I'm small, but I've got a universe inside my mind.

" There is never a good reason to treat anyone poorly. Those are called excuses.

The truth of the matter is, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” (Mahatma Gandhi)
There are a few simple lessons that we’re taught as kids: Share your toys, eat your vegetables, treat others as you want to be treated. As a society I feel like we’ve lost our manners and our respect for one another. We’re too focused on money, or revenge, or fame. We’re too consumed by jealousy and hatred, which in my opinion both stem from ignorance. We’re focused on doing anything to get what we want but not wanting what we have. We want what others have. We see their lives from a distance and believe that it must be perfect and magical to live a week in his/her life. We destroy our own self-esteem and build ourselves up with naive beliefs that perfection exists in everyone other than ourselves. See, when I said “anyone” I also meant yourself. There is never a good reason to treat yourself poorly. You are perfect just the way you are. You are brilliant and remarkable and beautiful. And inside of your soul you hold a unique talent and some form of passion that could set this world on fire. That passion could be for someone else, for your hobbies, for your dream job, for life in general, etc. But in order to set the world on fire, you must love yourself and treat yourself with kindness.

The more you are happy with yourself, the more you will be happy with the rest of the world. Practice loving yourself every single day. You deserve it.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” -Buddha

Open up your hearts and spread love. Start focusing on your talents and the things you like about yourself. Let your light shine. In turn, I truly do believe that the light of your soul will inspire others to shine theirs. The journey to peace begins with ourselves. Be happy with you. "

     I came across this on another blog site, tumblr, on Nervous Nerves.  I also found the pictures on this blog.  There's not much to say about it, since it's pretty straight foward.   I found that it described our society pretty well.  I feel as if this describes how the majority of us truly feel, but are either afraid to admit it or don't realize it.  


 - I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Potatoes for Chase.

     Since I couldn't think of anything to write for this post, my friend Chase suggested I write about potatoes, so this post is dedicated to him.
Chase shirtless, yum. 
    According to Chase, there are many different ways to kick a potato. I'm not even going to question that. There are also many different ways to serve potatoes.  There's boiled, mashed, baked, fried, chipped, stewed, and I'm sure many more.  In the not-so-wise words of Chase, " You can eat them with a fork, spoon, or out of a cup. You can put them in a belly button and take a body shot.."  I found out that potatoes are used to brew alcoholic drinks such as vodka, potcheen, and akvavit. 
    Chase's favorite way to eat a potato is through a straw. I'm not quite sure how that works out. I don't think I really have a favorite way to eat potatoes.  

Potato Facts ! 
- A potato is about 80% water and 20% solid.
- The average American eats around 140 pounds of potatoes each year.
- The largest potato weighed in at 18 pounds, 4 ounces.
- The potato was the first vegetable ever grown in space.
- French fries were first introduced to the U.S. in 1802, when Thomas Jefferson served them at a White House dinner.
- About 1/3 of potatoes grown in the U.S. are grown in Idaho.
- Potatoes are grown in all 50 states.

Chase's Fact of the Day : 
     If you cut a cat's whiskers, it will lose it's balance. 

Chase would also like to be credited as The King Supreme Ruler of All Things Vagina.

- I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

Friday, February 4, 2011

" I feel so.. SCRUMPTIOUS ! "

     Some of you may be aware of my obsession over Megan Fox, and seeing as I'm currently watching a movie she's in, I guess I'll write about her.
     Megan Fox is definitely one of the most beautiful actresses out there, in my opinion at least.  Though I don't believe she's the best at acting. Apparently I am among one of the few people that actually like her (and think she's delicious).  One thing that really bothers me is other peoples' judgement of her, which usually seem to be somewhere along the lines of, "She's such a whore." These remarks about Megan seem to be mostly based on her looks and/or the roles she plays in movies.  
     Comparing this situation of judgement to one involving yourself being judged based on your looks, you most likely wouldn't enjoy it either.  You don't know the person, so what right do you have ?  As for the roles in movies, it's just acting my darling.  There's no actual proof now, is there ?  What technical qualifications do you need to be considered a whore ?  Good looks ? Then there's a crap load of whores in this world and pstt..you're one of 'em ! ;D
     People seem to hold strong grudges against people they don't even know, not just celebrities, but people you may see daily at school that you just hear things about.  Don't make judgments on someone just because you hear stories about them or your friend doesn't like them either, unless you have good reasoning.  We all have our own opinions, just some of us would look a lot better if we had facts and/or proof to back them up with.  

- I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Music, I suppose.

     Music is something everybody seems to be into. Lately, I haven't been into music as much as I used to be.  It seems to no longer interest me.  Although I still do listen to music, mainly just to fill up time and silence.  I've tried to learn a few instruments in the past, but I wasn't successful with any of them.  I think mostly because I honestly don't have any devotion towards learning them.  Most of my friends seem to either be in the school band, or a band of their own.  Which, frankly, I'm quite jealous of. I wish I had even a fraction of the talent they have.
    I enjoy songs that I can relate to, even if they're not the happiest of songs.  Sometimes when I'm at a loss for words, a song knows just what to say.  It can be quite difficult to express your feelings at times.  It's nice when lyrics give you a sense of belonging. You're not the only one in the world.  
    A song that strangely describes pretty on spot the way I've felt for some time lately is, My Heart Will Find Rest, by Chase Coy.

Lyrics -
Chase Coy
Everything is different now,
Why are you so distant now ?
Everything has changed
Yeah, nothing is the same
Since the day you went away
Nothing feels at all okay with me

Don't you ever miss the Midwest sunrise,
The view of the stars and the full moon at night ?
'Cause ever since you left,
There's been an open hole in my chest
Yeah, you left this boy such a mess (girl in my case)
But, I'm hoping that my heart will find some rest tonight

I'll try to explain exactly why
I've been crying all the time
Since you walked out of my life

Everything is different now,

Why are you so distant now ?

These are some artist I enjoy. They're quite delicious. 
Andrew Vanwyngarden from MGMT

Gabe Saporta from Cobra Starship
Julian Casablancas from The Strokes

As for Cobra Starship, I don't enjoy them much, but I do enjoy some Gabe Saporta.

- I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.