" There is never a good reason to treat anyone poorly. Those are called excuses.
The truth of the matter is, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” (Mahatma Gandhi)
There are a few simple lessons that we’re taught as kids: Share your toys, eat your vegetables, treat others as you want to be treated. As a society I feel like we’ve lost our manners and our respect for one another. We’re too focused on money, or revenge, or fame. We’re too consumed by jealousy and hatred, which in my opinion both stem from ignorance. We’re focused on doing anything to get what we want but not wanting what we have. We want what others have. We see their lives from a distance and believe that it must be perfect and magical to live a week in his/her life. We destroy our own self-esteem and build ourselves up with naive beliefs that perfection exists in everyone other than ourselves. See, when I said “anyone” I also meant yourself. There is never a good reason to treat yourself poorly. You are perfect just the way you are. You are brilliant and remarkable and beautiful. And inside of your soul you hold a unique talent and some form of passion that could set this world on fire. That passion could be for someone else, for your hobbies, for your dream job, for life in general, etc. But in order to set the world on fire, you must love yourself and treat yourself with kindness.
The more you are happy with yourself, the more you will be happy with the rest of the world. Practice loving yourself every single day. You deserve it.
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” -Buddha
Open up your hearts and spread love. Start focusing on your talents and the things you like about yourself. Let your light shine. In turn, I truly do believe that the light of your soul will inspire others to shine theirs. The journey to peace begins with ourselves. Be happy with you. "I came across this on another blog site, tumblr, on Nervous Nerves. I also found the pictures on this blog. There's not much to say about it, since it's pretty straight foward. I found that it described our society pretty well. I feel as if this describes how the majority of us truly feel, but are either afraid to admit it or don't realize it.
- I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.
So true