Tuesday, May 10, 2011


     For this post, I decided I'd just post some pictures that I enjoy and explain my reasoning behind liking each of them.  Lately I've been hooked on Tumblr and have started following some photography blogs.  They're pretty interesting and inspirational to me.

     This picture has recently become one of my favorites.  What comes to mind when I see this photo is innocence and beauty.  The butterflies are the beauty and the emotion the girl is giving off with her facial expression seems like innocence to me.

     This was one of the first photos I came across on Tumblr.  It's very comforting to me for some reason.  She just looks so cozy and I love the tone of it.  


I love the creativity of this ! It reminds me of the book/movie, Where the Wild Things Are, which is also one of my favorites.  

I'm aware that her dress is down and her underwear is showing, but that's part of the reason why I love this photo (not to sound creepy).  It's so carefree; they're so carefree.  I would love to reenact this photo !  

Some may find this inappropriate ? But oh well, this is quite relaxing to me.  

In even the dimmest lights, you make the whole world shine.

Completely safe.

This makes me want to be five years old again.   

Not quite sure how to explain this one.  I guess I imagine this being the place where the girl in the photo goes to to escape.  

These two pictures I find comfort in.  As you can tell, I enjoy pictures involving beds (sounds odd).

This is a bit different, since they play with words in it.  It amazes me still and I find it hard to believe anyone could see anything in me, so this explains that a bit.

- I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.


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